Source - Pesticides are common synthetic organic chemicals (SOCs). Pesticides reach surface and well water supplies from the runoff in agricultural areas where they are used. Certain pesticides are banned by the government because of their toxicity to humans or their adverse effect on the environment. Pesticides usually decompose and break down as they perform their intended function. Low levels of pesticides are found where complete break down does not occur.

Treatment - Activated carbon filtration is the most effective way to remove organics whether synthetic (like pesticides) or natural. Ultrafiltration will also remove organic compounds. Reverse Osmosis will remove 97 - 99% of the pesticides .


SourceThe term "pH" is used to indicate acidity or alkalinity of a given solution. It is not a measure of the quantity of acid or alkali, but rather a measure of the relationship of the acid to the alkali. The pH value of a solution describes its hydrogen-ion activity. The pH scale ranges between - 0 and 14 Acidic

[ 0 ]=========[ 7 ]==========[ 14 ] Alkaline


Treatment The pH can be raised by feeding sodium hydroxide (caustic soda), sodium carbonate (soda ash), sodium bicarbonate, potassium hydroxide, etc. into the water stream. A neutralizing filter containing Calcite (calcium carbonate - CaCO3 ) and/or Corosex (magnesium oxide - MgO) will combat low pH problems, if within the range of 5 to 6. the peak flow rate of a neutralizing filter is 6 gpm / sq. ft. Downflow filters require frequent backwashing is required to prevent "cementing of the bed". A 50 - 50 mix of the two seems to provide the best all around results. Upflow neutralizers don't experience the problem of "cementing" of the bed.

Source Potassium (K+) is an alkaline metal closely related to sodium. It is seldom that one sees it analyzed separately on a water analysis. Potassium is not a major component in public or industrial water supplies. Potassium is, however, essential in a well balanced diet and can be found in fruits such as bananas.
Treatment Potassium can be removed by a cation exchange resin, usually in the form of a softener. It can also be reduced by 94 - 97% utilizing Electrodialysis or reverse osmosis .
Source - Sodium (Na) is a major component in drinking water. All water supplies contain some sodium. The amount is dependent on local soil conditions. The higher the sodium content of water, the more corrosive the water becomes. A major Source of sodium in natural waters is from the weathering of feldspars, evaporates and clay. The amount of sodium obtained from drinking softened water is insignificant compared to the sodium ingested in the normal human diet. The amount of sodium contained in a quart of softened, 18 grain per gallon water is equivalent to a normal slice of white bread. Sodium in the body regulates the osmotic pressure of the blood plasma to assure the proper blood volume. Sodium chloride is essential in the formation of the stomach acids necessary for the digestive processes. The US EPA sponsored a symposium which concluded that there is no relationship between soft water and cardiovascular disease. There is also no MCL published for sodium, however the US EPA suggests a level of 20 mg/l in drinking water for that portion of the population on severe sodium restricted diets of 500 mg/day or less.
Treatment - Sodium can be removed with the hydrogen form cation exchanger portion of a deionizer. Reverse Osmosis will reduce sodium by 94 - 98%. Distillation will also remove sodium.
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