.:: Our Mission, Our Objectives ::.
To differentiate ourselves as the services leader in the industry. It is
critically important that our perspective of a satisfied costumer be based
upon the customer's viewpoint, not ours.
Focus on our costumers needs and earn thier respect by building long-
term parnership based on mutual trust and full-time service.
Be committed to excellence in the quality of our products, service and
comprehensive knowledge of the proper application of our peoducts to fill
the customer's needs.
Operate our business in conformance with the higest standards of
performance and business ethics.
Fully and openly communicate all appropriate information with our
customers, employee and dealers.
To enchance the quality of our employees lives by providing them the
opportunity and environtment to achieve thier own personal gretness.
To provide the highest quality product that provides sound solutions to
problems that would help ensure Filipinos to safe drinking water.
© 2008 all right resereved ECOFLITERS ENTERPRISES Powered by: Alexander U.Bilan